Reset thinking to unlock potential.
Top Sixty works with progressive businesses and
organizations to maximize efficiency, innovation and
prosperity by leveraging the talent of their
multigenerational workforces.
Using our proven, research-based programs, Top Sixty can:
- Redesign, train, and implement your inclusion program.
- Consult on the impact of ageism to improve your bottom line.
- Facilitate focus groups, discussions, retreats, and events.
- Train your multigenerational team to be intergenerational
“Age is the new strategic imperative.
Working across an increasing number of generations
is the way of the future and presents untold opportunities.”
…Top Sixty Founder, Helen Hirsh Spence
Helen Hirsh Spence, speaker, writer, and age
provocateur explains why we must reframe the
aging narrative (longevity literacy) and confront ageism
to live longer, healthier, and more purposeful lives.
A well-respected and sought-after thought leader,
Helen has appeared on a TEDx stage, and in major
national media outlets, on television, radio, and podcasts.
Audiences and industries from various sectors will
benefit from her talks and workshops on:
Longevity Literacy,
Age and Ageism, and
The Future of Work.
Or ask Helen to customize content to suit
your needs and interests.
Top Sixty Over Sixty provides the tools and training to address ageism and promote age diversity. A social enterprise, Top Sixty advocates for age diversity, equity, and inclusion. Visit our ABOUT page to learn how we do this.
A New Learning: Delivering a TEDx Talk
Preparation for a TED or TEDx talk often starts six or more months before the event. Before embarking on this journey, I had no idea what was involved…or what I was in for.
Ageism and Politics
Dr. Ranganath puts Biden’s forgetfulness in context by explaining that the average older person may experience “retrieval failure” but that doesn’t signal cognitive decline.
What do you immediately think of when you hear or see the words ‘emerging market(s)’? There is a good chance you may think of developing countries or developing economies. There is another way to look at emerging markets. How about the growing global cohort of older adults and the benefits of marketing to that group?
The “End Times”: Challenging Ageism
Notes Helen in the podcast, “We have to educate people because… when you introduce that phrase [You look good for your age], people think it’s a compliment. I think many of us took it as a compliment until we realized, “What does my age look like? What does any age look like?”
A Quiet Discrimination
“Ageism—the bias or prejudice based on age—continues to be socially acceptable, going largely unnoticed,” says Helen Hirsh Spence. “It’s evident everywhere and every day. It’s visible at the checkout in the grocery store, in our healthcare system, and throughout the service industry. If you’re labeled a ‘senior’ you are considered frail, vulnerable and in decline.”
‘There’s still time to re-create myself’
Retirement at 65 is an antiquated notion, says Helen Hirsh Spence, founder of Top Sixty Over Sixty, which helps organizations understand the value of having a multi-generational workforce. “Older adults have what’s called crystallized intelligence. Young people have fluid intelligence,” said Spence. “You need both.”